Directorate of Parks and Gardens


1968 yılında Trabzon Yomra’da doğdu. İlk-Orta öğrenimini Trabzon Yomra’da tamamladı. 1991 yılında Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Harita ve Kadastro Mühendisliği Bölümünden mezun oldu. 1993-2014 yılları arasında özel sektörde şantiye şefi ve proje müdürü görevlerinde bulundu. 2015 yılında Büyükçekmece Belediyesinde Fen İşleri Müdür Yardımcısı olarak göreve başladı. 2018 yılı Eylül ayından itibaren Fen İşleri Müdür V. Olarak görevine devam etmektedir.



Directorate of Parks and Gardens is the unit that projects, provides maintenance, repair and protect the areas such as parks, children's gardens, walking paths, bicycle paths, sports areas, pedestrian areas, afforestation areas and existing areas reserved as green areas in the development plan in Büyükçekmece district in order to serve as the recreational activities for the public in accordance with Municipalities Law No.5393 and the Laws on Metropolitan Municipality No.5216. 




1.To carry out activities to increase the amount of green space per person within the boundaries of the district to the standard level.

2.To create projects, establish new parks by shaping green areas suitable for zoning and ownership in line with the needs of the people of the district and to name new parks.

3.To work on afforestation and greening in avenues, streets, squares and medians,
4.To examine and approve the landscape projects belonging to the building at the Construction License stage and to check the suitability during the resettlement phase in accordance with the decision of the council taken in 2014 throughout the district.

5.To carry out maintenance, repair and improvement works of parks, playgrounds, children’s playgroups , sports equipment, walking paths, sports fields and green areas.
6.To install and provide maintenance-repair works of outdoor sports equipment, sculptures.
7.To carry out manufacturing, maintenance and repair works in welding-paint and carpenter workshops belonging to our Directorate.

8.To clean the parks,

9.To prune all the trees in the region so that they can grow healthier and that they will not disturb the citizens in areas such as pedestrian roads and apartment fronts,

10.To irrigate, fertilize, spray and hoe the green areas, trees and ornamental plants at periodically determined times,

11.To initiate legal follow-up by making necessary examinations and determinations and to impose the necessary penal sanctions in case of damages such as any unauthorized cutting, transportation etc. of the trees in public areas within the boundaries of the district by both citizens and other institutions and organizations,

12.In case of damage to all the structural landscape equipment in the parks (lighting elements, children's playground elements, pergola, bench, garbage can, information board, etc.), to initiate legal follow-up by making the necessary examinations and determinations, to impose the necessary penal sanctions,

13.To do flowering work in the areas such as parks, gardens, medians etc.,

14.To carry out maintenance, pruning, cutting, etc. in line with the demands of citizens,

15.To work in coordination with relevant public institutions and organizations, To assist schools, mosques and other public institutions in landscaping.

16.To carry out the maintenance the existing parks and green areas and installation and maintenance-repair works of pool and irrigation systems during the year.

